October 13, 2024

The Saturday Currently Vol. 16: Orange Sweater and Comfy Socks

"It's been a while" is probably something I start this blog for the last... 8 years?

I haven't really had the time to sit down and write something on a paper, except endless to-do lists in both life and work. Life had been so fast-paced lately with so many things to accomplish every single day. From seven in the morning, you hurry to prepare for (remote) work, juggle so many tasks, and then (hurry) to bed around eleven because you have another "early day" at work. The funny thing is that your brain thinks there is an end to this, but in reality, you are stuck in a routine that is so addicting because it is so easy to do the same thing over and over again that taking a pause feels like another task - a mindless task - and due to the fact, it does not seem so appealing to do it because it does not give a sense of "fulfilment" in your "busy day".

I am glad that I am able to really sit down and write. It's been a while since I really wanted to do this but every time I think about sitting still and writing my thoughts onto this white canvas, my mind says "oh that's boring, why don't we check 10-second videos and see lots of content in 15 minutes - that seems more productive!" Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a world where there are so much information to gain in a minute. I wonder if anyone out there is wishing to go back in time where the only time we can be online is when we are in front of a desktop computer? 

Obviously, the only thing we could do is recall those lovely years with less "noisy" information and be grateful to have lived through it and enjoyed it while it lasted. Anyway, there is good on the technology we have now. I guess I just found myself stuck in this information-overload place and I need to get out as quickly as possible because it makes living life a bit too shallow. I am not angry about the technology, rather I find it unbelievable that I found myself spending "a few times" checking on my phone during weekends because I wanted to post "stories" (that disappears after 24 hours)! How was I able to do that? The internet is such a weird place when I first started using it, but not it just gets weirder.

I guess what I am trying to say is, I will try to regain the interest in writing again as a form of self expression and reflection rather than posting a temporary "media" that will be gone and forgotten (by me!) after a day. After all, this blog exists since more than 18 years because I want to be able to read and remember the fleeting moments in my life that I am able to write now and read through these pages when I am older. That's the main reason why I am keeping this. I want to keep writing. I will try to go back. I will try to write again. To write something with substance - a reflection of my days, weeks, months. I am blabbering, but this is good too. I will be back soon. Hopefully! 

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