May 13, 2021

Life Lately | 10

Oatmeal with raisins and apple compote

It has been a year of "staying in" due to the pandemic but really, as an introvert, it's nothing new. Although I must say, I do miss those intimate gatherings with close friends and family. And I do miss flying back home or anywhere else.

Anyway, lately, life has been good. I have been battling with anxiety and whenever I do, I try to take deep breaths and stay still. I am trying to grow tomatoes indoors - my sister gave me two seedlings a month ago - and I am planning to buy more plants. Apparently, they help lessen your worries? I shall try.

Lately, I have been so much into online shopping to the point where I try to do all my groceries in an app. It makes sense to purchase those heavy things online and do my fruits and veggies groceries at the actual store. I live five minutes further from where I lived before so that means it takes me fifteen minutes to walk from home to the grocery store. And it's summer, therefore, I don't think I could carry all the groceries all the way back home. 

I do enjoy my weekends. It's more structured now although I miss going to the gym. Apparently, my building's gym is still closed and the watchman told me that it will open next month. I shall see! So lately, I have been waking up early around 5:30ish in the morning to take a walk towards the lake. It usually takes me 30 minutes to walk and when I get back home, I do hula hoops and stretching. It keeps me energized for sure. For some reason, I could not really do a proper workout at home so I hope that the gym will open soon so I can also utilize the treadmill. 

I just renewed my Resident visa a couple weeks ago and it is valid until 2023. I wonder, am I still here by then? How would life be by then? How am I, my family, friends? Am I going to become a mother? Haha, too many thoughts playing in my mind. I try to always go back to where I am, in the present, before I drift away. 

Anyway, life has been good lately. I am enjoying my oatmeals in the morning with a little bit of sugar in them. I still believe I need a little bit of sugar to kick start my morning - or maybe it's just the sugar that's speaking! 

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