February 26, 2021

The Friday Currently Vol. 13: Grateful for this weekend

A desert flower, 2020

I woke up a bit later than usual today and it was nice because it was one of those days when I just know that I have nothing else to do. So far, I cleaned up my things because that's my way of re-organizing my mind especially after a full week at work. I get satisfaction in doing that and it somehow is the time for me to reflect on anything that crosses my mind. 

Today I decided to cook whatever I have left in the pantry. I ended up tossing cabbage, spinach, cherry tomatoes, garlic, and a bit of dried basil into the pan with butter. Fried a sunny-side-up egg as well. It was very delicious. I still have a little bit of penne tomato pasta left for dinner so I guess I am all set for today. Except that I ordered 3 donuts from dunkin' today just because it's that time of the month. I wonder if other women would order sweets when this time comes just to give in to their cravings? I don't always treat myself to fancy sweets so some months I really give in to these things or order fancy food online. It's basically just my excuse to get treats. We all deserve it anyways. 

I am grateful that I got good news from work and so that makes me happy. I am really thankful that despite how badly affected my company is due to the pandemic, they always try to make the best decisions not just for the business but also for the employees. The world is slowly healing and so we will all get back to normal, as they say... but I hope that people would always be reminded of what they have learned throughout the past year. We all have lessons learned in all aspects of our lives not just in general but also within ourselves.

We will be back in the office starting next week and I was thinking that maybe I should take breaks by walking around the lake after lunch. Maybe I should do that starting next week. This idea excites me. 

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